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Safety of cleaning machines

About Quality

HOW CLEAN IS CLEAN ?  the old question is now becoming always more important and the industry is feeling the necessity of reliable methods to determine and test the level of cleanliness. For more information contact:
CLEAN-BAY - is the most advanced response to the needs of the industry for verification of cleanliness, even out of the laboratory in production process with tests carried out by process people. It is the result of three years of R&D in parallel to the participation to the Working Groups of ISO developing the argument.

from ISO - International Standard Organization

ISO 16232 - Road vehicles - cleanliness of components of fluid circuits prepared by the automotive industry this Standard is composed by 10 parts covering all the issues concerning the verification of cleanliness, from the extraction to the analysis of contaminants. For more information on the arguments covered by this Standard click:

ISO 16232 parts 1-10 - index of arguments

ISO 18413 - cleanliness of parts and components of hydraulic systems

This important standard has been developed by the ISO TC 131 Working Group is available from ISO national bodies. For more information click on:

ISO 18413 - index of arguments